Topic: Introduction to Responsible Subcontracting

Description: Subcontracting is a common practice in the apparel supply chain: Tier 1 suppliers subcontract part or all of the production process to business partners (subcontractors). In many cases, the subcontractor plays a vital role in the production process. For example, they may have skills that the Tier 1 supplier does not have in-house (i.e. embroidery), or they may provide flexibility to help the Tier 1 supplier cope with last-minute changes in orders, quick turnarounds, inaccurate forecasting, or inconsistent order placements. However, despite the important role sub-contractors play, they may also introduce added financial, reputational, and social compliance risk for buyers and suppliers, especially when the sub-contractors are unauthorized.

The goal of this training is to educate buyers and suppliers on the risks and benefits of sub-contracting, and the factors contributing to sub-contracting and equip them with methods for detecting unauthorized sub-contracting and best practices in responsible sub-contracting.

Apparel Industry Buyers and Suppliers: This course is designed for both buyers and suppliers. We recommend the following people attend: CSR, Sourcing, Compliance, and Production personnel.

Time: Mar 13, 2022 06:30 PM inĀ Astana, Dhaka

Duration of the session: 02 Hours

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